Thursday, August 12, 2010

The adventure

To begin my adventure after leaving, I travelled the world as a merchant sailor before ending up in London where I found myself a job, I worked at a cinema to start off with my new life.  I worked there for about 6 years while slowly being promoted and going up in the business.
Every night, when I get home, I work on my poetry and read literature all night, I hardly ever watch television because I am not interested in it.  If I want to know about news, I just read the newspaper.
After ten years, I was promoted to manager and now I own the new cinema.  It is rated one of the highest in the city and now and then, a few celebrities come through to watch movies at my cinema. 
I wrote a few poems while I was in management and sent them to the newspaper to see if I could get it into the newspaper.  Three out of six of my poems were put into the newspaper which made me decide on writing and publishing poems.
A few months after being promoted to manager, I met this girl named Cameron and we fell in love.  Right now we are about to get married as I proposed to her.  She is in the film industry, that's how I met her, I think it was a sign that day.

This is us at a film festival in Paris.  The day I proposed to Cameron, I proposed to her in the evening after the film festival and she said yes instantly. One of the most happy days of my life.

This is the song that I dedicated to Cameron while we were only dating.
Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give
I still feel sad and have thoughts of my family all the time, miss them a lot and I wish I could see them again.  One day I want to go back and see if they still there.  If you ever read this Laura, all I want to tell you is that I LOVE YOU!!!

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